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2009-2010년도에 시애틀 워싱턴 대학교에서 연구한 것이 이제서야 논문으로 나온 것이다.
게제 논문지명은 미국 국립과학원회보 PNAS이다.
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(돼지야. 이건 저작권에 위배되는 것 아니지? 엄마 상식으론 논문은 다른 이들에게 많이 읽혀져야 되는 것 아닐까? 싶어서.... 연구하고 논문 쓰느라 수고 많았구나.)
Strain-dependent diversity in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing regulon
Chugani S,
Kim BS, Phattarasukol S, Brittnacher MJ, Choi SH, Harwood CS, Greenberg
Quorum sensing allows bacteria to sense and respond to changes in
population density. Acyl-homoserine lactones serve as quorum-sensing signals for
many Proteobacteria, and acyl-homoserine lactone signaling is known to control
cooperative activities. Quorum-controlled activities vary from one species to
another. Quorum-sensing controls a constellation of genes in the opportunistic
pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which thrives in a number of habitats ranging
from soil and water to animal hosts. We hypothesized that there would be
significant variation in quorum-sensing regulons among strains of P. aeruginosa
isolated from different habitats and that differences in the quorum-sensing
regulons might reveal insights about the ecology of P. aeruginosa. As a test of
our hypothesis we used RNA-seq to identify quorum-controlled genes in seven P.
aeruginosa isolates of diverse origins. Although our approach certainly
overlooks some quorum-sensing-regulated genes we found a shared set of genes,
i.e., a core quorum-controlled gene set, and we identified distinct,
strain-variable sets of quorum-controlled genes, i.e., accessory genes. Some
quorum-controlled genes in some strains were not present in the genomes of other
strains. We detected a correlation between traits encoded by some genes in the
strain-variable subsets of the quorum regulons and the ecology of the isolates.
These findings indicate a role for quorum sensing in extension of the range of
habitats in which a species can thrive. This study also provides a framework for
understanding the molecular mechanisms by which quorum-sensing systems operate,
the evolutionary pressures by which they are maintained, and their importance in
disparate ecological contexts.
PNAS 사이트 http://www.pnas.org/에서 검색해 보니...
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조만간 마른 반찬 만들어서 보내 줄게.^^
(그나저나 엄마는 까막눈이다.ㅠㅠ 올해부터 영어 ABC 기초부터 다시 공부할까보다.)
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